You know how you just find the most important thing in your life while you are doing your

 You know how you just find the most important thing in your life while you are doing your


passion? Yeah, that’s the story of my life. This was around July 2019, all successful @Tonyelumelufoundation cohorts and some Alumni were invited for the Tef Forum 2019 at @Transcorphotel Abuja. The first day of the event was a dinner. It’s usually an opportunity to network with entrepreneurs from all across Africa. I had won the grant in 2018 and attended the Forum that year so I made my way to the hall and sat down while exchanging pleasantries with other Alumni. I just saw this beauty walk towards our table and sat in one of the empty seats, I was short of words for some minutes before I quickly composed myself. 

As a sharp guy, I started a conversation and as grace will have it, we started talking and exchanged contacts. She had won the grant that year and was excited about it. I didn’t see her the next day but we stayed in touch. On the final day, I saw her at the entrance of the Hall trying to make her way in. Gaining entrance into the hall was tough. I was a volunteer at the event which gave me access to some restricted places, so I quickly beckoned her to follow me but she had disappeared. In my mind, I was like this is not how it's done in the movies na, she was supposed to follow me and I’d make the day. 😌 Somehow God answered my prayers and I saw her after the session in the hall. We spent the rest of the day together. There was this special bond that connected us effortlessly, if you saw us at the venue you'd doubt that we met there.

It's been close to 3 years now and we have seen ourselves grow in our businesses. Frankly, she has been a blessing and has contributed a great deal to my success as a startup founder. We have been able to accomplish a lot together. The shocking fact about our relationship is that it has been entirely long distance yet the spark is still there and we were able to accomplish remarkable milestones together. She is my favourite person. 

Bride: @thechimdi

Groom: @hyacinthorji_

Photography: @3plex_images

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